Monday, March 14, 2011

One more day...

I have just one more day of studying and then two finals till I am done with this term :) Yay! Then I would just like it if I could get over this last bit of my cold and have my mom come into town before Payton arrives. That would be awesome. With all this attempt at planning, I have a feeling she is going to teach me a lesson and come late... That would be just my luck! But really, I cannot wait to meet her!!!! I just want to see her and hold her! She seems pretty happy right now, although I know she is cramped on space.


Jason and Kenna said... you already have your 'she's born' post ready?

Jason and Kenna said...

(psst...not that you should if you don't, I just heard someone else say they already had theirs ready to go, but no pressure for real)

Meyers said...

Goodness sister I'm so excited for you. I cant wait to see all the pictures and updates of her growin up :)