Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Next Update

Well time for an update. I didn't post this earlier because I didn't want to jinx anything, but the process has started so I thought it safe to post. Ben is going through the medical boarding process. We figure it will take at the very least a year or so to complete if he is medically released from the Army. This is actually ok since we will be wanting to go right to school and the new awesome GI bill will not take until August '09. Also I will have completed my Associate and then some. I contacted OSU and they said that my credits will transfer which is a huge relief. Keeps us in your prayers as we start this process. For those who have been praying for my mom and her surgery I just wanted to say thanks! Things went as well as they possible could. She is home now and doing really well.

1 comment:

mckenna said...

Hannah!! So Johnna (no idea how to spell her name) and Isaac dropped by a little while earlier to say hello and it just so came up that you have a blog!! And I am an addicted blogger! How did I not know? So now we can keep in touch a little better. Yay!! We're at

Love ya cuz!!