Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hunting Pictures

When we moved back to Oregon after being away for so long, Ben had to get back to his love of hunting. Since he didn't have a job or school he saw no reason why he couldn't go every day! Well, one day I went with him to see what all the fuss was about and to take some pictures of our dog Ory in action. I thought they turned out pretty good so I thought I would share them. Some are a little blurry but I couldn't use the flash. (I am sorry about the dead bird, but it was hunting after all.)


mckenna said...

Fun!! And a little gross. I'm not at all opposed to hunting. But I don't think I could do it myself. But it would be a blast to tag along to observe all the excitement!!

Lori said...

Go Ory! We sure do miss you guys on our morning walks! =)

Jason and Kenna said...

Pretty crazy, but my favorite part is the angle of the camera. It looks like someone is seriously spying on Ben and they are the ones being hunted...hmmmm..I mean something to think about right?