Monday, September 22, 2008

What... How long?

Well, it is official. Ben's med board came through and we are moving forward. It just needs to make it through Walter Reed and then we will have our clearing orders to leave the post. They told him it should take 3 to 5 weeks. That is a lot shorter than what I was told to expect by pretty much everyone I talked to, so needless to say I almost started to hyperventilate when I got the news. I am excited but I just thought we would have some time to prepare. I guess this is what is suppose to happen.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Let there be cake!

Well, it's not perfect but at least there will be cake. My cake crumbled when I was trying to frost it (even with it being cold from the fridge) and left me with a pretty lumpy cake but at least my friend will have a baby shower cake. I really hope I get better at this before I am supposed to do a wedding cake for my brother. If any of you do cakes and have some tips for me that would be great. I try and use cake mixes out of the box because they are moist and yummy, but they always seem to be lumpy and not uniform enough. I tried fondant this time. The one below I did a few months back and I tried just frosting it. I hope I am not scaring my brother and Johnna with these pictures. I'll be better I promise!